SGCA is the human focused architecture placed in line with principles to be followed to assure that all including the people who help make this architecture function is never mislead. We are the ever growing light that will bring venues to this platform so that all may follow their passions and get the help they need.
Sacred Geometry Consulting Agency mission is to provide Truly helpful services and solutions. Our Seven Principles allows us to do this by bringing in the right people and businesses to help others. With this we can create an architecture that is refined and people can receive the information and solutions they need with ease.
Sacred Geometry Consulting Agency sees nothing but to become the Architecture of Solutions. Where people can come to our Agency and get the help they need regarding any matter because we will have the resources and individuals or entities to truly help them.
Much Pleasure to Share this with you. Sacred Geometry Consulting Agency is an Extension of myself. From my young years I yearned for nothing but to find love and bring about the prosperity of peace. Through my years I have been nothing but resilient and tenacious in my yearnings. I learned how to do most things in my early years simply by either learning Visually from others or through trial and error. My yearnings have brought me to learn from and experience many things. In my teenage years I brought a newly found community service club into the presence of the key club, I performed various jobs for various Stage Plays, Entertainment works, and companies, I was and still currently the consultant of an Actress & Singer, I've attended college, I have researched various of other aspects of life such as spirituality and even found love. Now in my Years my final yearning to bring a prosperity of peace begins with bringing the information of the world to one place that is a proper architecture. To where all individuals can truly be properly informed and helped by individuals who care that people are properly led and no longer misled by corrupted or greed full aspects of life.